Natural Health Remedies for Dogs & Cats

Helping pet's heal naturally with herbal remedies by addressing the symptoms and root cause for lasting relief and well-being.

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  • Year One - May

    Once a year, Leroy would wake up overnight in the spring covered in incredibly itchy welts.

  • Year Two - April

    We started to balance his immune system with our Environmental Allergy Bundle. This year the reaction stayed only on his face.

  • Year Two - June

    He got Allergy Relief Extract during allergy season & Mushroom Immunity Extract through winter. This year long combination is imperative!

  • Year Three - April

    Leroy had a few tiny bumps on his leg that I could feel but couldn't see. Now, years later, he has yet to have another environmental outbreak since!

10% off mushroom blends!

Prepare your pup for spring & summer allergies NOW by toning their immune response with our Mushroom Immunity extract, powder and biscuits.

Enjoy 10% off all Mushroom Immunity blends - extract, biscuits and powders, Environmental Allergy Bundle + Chaga Mushroom Extract with code MUSHROOMS10 at checkout.

Get 10% off here!
  • Exclusive Guide - 10 Essential Herbs Every Pet Parent Needs In Their

    A Pet Master Herbalist's top herbs every pet guardian should know about and understand how to use from the comfort of their own home to help their pet's move through discomfort and thrive in their bodies.

    Download Now 
  • Complimentary Download - The Antibiotic Detox Guide

    Do you feel confident in optimizing your dog's health after they have to take a round of antibiotics?

    There are some simple yet effective ways to help combat the negative side effects of all pharmaceuticals and bring your dog back to optimal health after they need antibiotics.

    Download Now 
  • Access Your Gifted Copy of Leaky Gut Roadmap Class

    Are you ready to feel confident in your next steps to help your dog down a journey of healing their digestive intolerances?

    Our mini lesson here, dives into what your dog could be going through to help you feel confident in taking the next step in actually healing your dog's digestive intolerances... for good!

    Download now 

Take a peek into how we can help your pet thrive!

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Do you have a quick question that you'd love some guidance on a Furbal Remedies supplement to try, educational sources and more? Click here to send a question and I'll get back to you soon via email.

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Dog Food Intolerance Support Sessions

If you feel like you've tried everything under the sun to help bring your dog back to balance but you just can't seem to get it under control no matter how many diet changes, medications you've tried and vet visits you've been too.. then I'm glad you've found us here at Furbal Remedies.

Sign Up Here

Leaky Gut Reset Course

Does your dog suffer from "allergies" or digestive intolerances? Does the vet have them on Cytopoint or Apoquel? I'm here to offer you another route to consider. Dive into our Leaky Gut Reset Course to learn how to address your dog's intolerances from the root issue, leaky gut.

Start Today

A Message From

Maggie & Leroy

I've been a practicing herbalist for over a decade. When I adopted Leroy in 2019, I knew I would be feeding and treating his conditions holistically as much as I could. I'm here to inspire, encourage and educate other health enthusiasts to take their passion for their own health and transfuse it into the lives of their dogs. I'm here to offer you my synergistic, proprietary herbal extracts, biscuits and powders to help your dog live their best life and thrive.

Whether your dog is struggling with a specific condition or you just want to help them continue to be healthy as can be, we can create a new routine for you and your pack!

I'd love to support you, so you can support your pup. Let's get to know each other!

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