How To Make Herbal Broth For Your Dog

How To Make Herbal Broth For Your Dog

Making herbal bone broth for your dog is a easy way to add more beneficial herbs to your dog's diet straight from your own kitchen. If you've been wanting to feel more confident in caring for your dog from home, learning how to make herbal bone broths is a great place to start.

Some easy ways to use the broth:

  • Pour broth over their kibble

  • Mix broth in with their homemade food

  • Make them frozen broth ice cube treats
  • Pour some broth into a small amount of water for them to drink

  • Pour it over any raw food you feed them

  • Use broth as the liquid in any dog treat for an extra delicious taste and nutrient content

Lets get into some herbal blends you could use..

Mushroom Immunity Powder - Medicinal Mushrooms

Both dogs and people will benefit from a variety of medicinal mushroom. There are many medicinal mushrooms and they have a wide variety of benefits for the body. We are going to talk about two of our favorites, Reishi and Turkey Tail Mushrooms. These three are all anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-tumor and potent antioxidants while being loaded with vitamins, minerals and protein. These amazing fungi also benefit and cleanse the liver, kidneys and heart. They each have their own specific added benefits that we'll go over now.

Reishi is known as the "Herb Of Immortality". It is a deep immunity builder and helps with chronic digestive problems and general weakness.

Turkey Tail has been. known to boost the immune response, manage side effects from chemo or radiation, possibly delay cancer spread, and possibly increase survival times.

Both of these can be found in our Mushroom Immunity Powder.

Full Detox Powder - Liver & Detox Support

Using specific herbs to activate and support the function of our dog's detoxification organs can be incredibly helpful when we need to give our dog's pharmaceutical medications or vaccinations. I also believe it can be helpful to feed these herbs a few times a year to simply help their body process the the common toxins within every day life, including pesticides at parks, off-gassing from carpets, etc. At Furbal Remedies we have a purposeful blend of herbs to support our pet's liver, kidneys and digestive system called Full Detox Powder.

Milk Thistle supports and detoxes the liver. The liver processes everything that enters the body. By supporting the liver's natural function we are giving it a helping hand in releasing what our bodies physically don't need to hold onto.

Burdock Root also is used as a detoxifying herb and helps the liver process toxins as well as cleanses the blood. This in turn will benefit skin issues like psoriasis, rashes, ect. Burdock Root also supports the hips and joints while providing some relief from arthritic pain.

Dandelion Root has been shown to improve liver and gallbladder function while supporting a health digestive system as it is comprised up to 40% inulin, a concentrated dietary fibre which encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Schisandra Berries help dogs with liver function, endurance, stress management and metabolic conditions like obesity. They can also help puppies adapt to new environments. Schisandra improves liver function by stimulating enzymes and promoting liver cell growth

Ginger Joint Powder - Joint Support - Ant-inflammatory

Providing anti-inflammatory support to your dog can cause a world of difference to the longevity of activity your dog gets to experience. Most people start focusing on anti-inflammatory joint support with their dogs once they start seeing them slow down, but it is ideal to start before issues arise. Prevention is key! Furbal Remedies Ginger Joint Powder is a synergistic blend of anti-inflammatory herbs that when given daily can help keep inflammation down within their joints.

Turmeric is a well known spice that has an incredible array of medicinal benefits. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and detoxifying properties. This root also benefits cognitive and kidney function while balancing blood sugar levels.

Ginger is another anti-inflammatory root that is assimilated well when used with Turmeric. It has great benefit to the digestive system and provides gastrointestinal relief.

Optimal Wellness Powder - Deep Nutrition

Some other herbs that are beneficial to add to a bone broth would be culinary herbs and seaweeds. Culinary spices are packed with vitamins while seaweeds are full of important and nourishing minerals. Optimal Wellness Powder contains powerful herbs like spirulina, nutritional yeast, turmeric, dulse, kelp, nettle, thyme, basil, parsley, fennel, fenugreek, black pepper.

Allergy Relief Powder - Anti-histamine + anti-inflammatory support

When we want to counteract our dog's environmental allergies, it is important to continuously feed them specific herbs day-to-day. Building the anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory properties up in the body is crucial to keep the allergy symptoms at bay. By making a bone broth with Allergy Relief Powder and feeding it with your dog's meals, you can make sure they are getting a dose with breakfast and dinner each day.

Super Greens Powder - High vitamin + mineral concentration

Another herbal powder you could add to your dog's bone broth recipe is Super Greens Powder which is composed of a variety of nutrient dense green herbs to provide your pet with high concentrations of vitamins and minerals with each meal.

How to make herbal bone broth:

  1. Buy bones - either beef marrow bones, chicken carcass, chicken necks
  2. Use either a crock pot or a stock pot on the stove and keep both on low temperature.
  3. Add bones and fill pot with water and a splash of apple cider vinegar which helps to pull out the nutrients in the bones.
  4. You can add some vegetables if you would like. A tip is to save the ends of the veggies you cook for yourself in a ziplock bag in the fridge and add them to the broth when you are ready to make a batch.
  5. Simmer the bones and liquid one low for 6-8 hours.
  6. About 2 hours before it is done, add your desired herbal blend from above. Continue to simmer on low. The herbs don't need to simmer for as long as the bones since they are thinner and don't need as much energy to release the beneficial compounds.
  7. When done, let the broth cool a bit, strain into a large mason jar and keep it in the fridge.
  8. Pour some over your dogs food with each meal and let them enjoy the flavor and benefits!

Always remember! Onions are toxic to dogs and garlic is controversial. It is recommended to LEAVE THESE OUT when you know you'll be feeding this broth to your pup.

As always, we're here to help pets heal naturally for lasting relief. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments!

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1 comment

What a wonderful and informative post! 🌿 I’ve been looking for ways to make a healthy herbal broth for my dog, and this list of herbs is perfect. I also came across some great info on goji berries at that added to my knowledge. Thank you for sharing these amazing tips! 🐾❤️


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