Herbal yogurt bites can be made from a variety of ingredients that most people have laying around their house already. You can use just yogurt for its feel good tummy benefits and you can add herbs, fruits and even vegetables if you desire! I love that these functional treats can be made each week with different add-ins which will give your dog a wide range of nutrients.
Let's take a look..
What you'll need:
- Yogurt
- Silicon mold or ice cube tray
- Spatula
- Measuring cup
- Tea of your choice (optional) - reishi / turkey tail mushroom, nettle leaf, alfalfa are some options
- Fruit of choice (optional) - blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, cantaloup
What you'll do:
- You can simply pour yogurt into silicon molds or ice cube trays and place in freezer. Tada! They're done
- OR if you want to add the herbal aspect mix together 1/2 C yogurt and about 1/4 C tea until its a thinner liquid
- Pour this liquid into molds and freeze!
- Other options: You can either blend the fruits in with the yogurt in a blender - some water or tea would be best to make it more of a liquid consistency OR you can cut melons and strawberries into smaller pieces and leave blueberries whole and place into molds and pour yogurt liquid over top then freeze
Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria that promotes healthy function of the digestive tract. Having proper digestive bacteria improves digestion, assimilation of nutrients, keeps the urinary tract healthy and strengthens the immune system.
Fruit contains vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. We all know why vitamins and minerals are important, they are needed for a wide range of functions. Fiber supports healthy elimination. Antioxidants have the ability to scavenge free radicals that are known to accelerate aging and eventually promote cancer and other diseases.
Herbal teas and powders can give your dogs body many different benefits depending on the type of herbs you use. Take a look at our Herbal Powder Blends here.
Reishi and Turkey Tail mushroom are both immune balancers and can build your dogs immunity on a deep level. When your dogs immune system is strong they are able to more easily deal with bacteria, viruses, fungi, allergies and any other invading substances. You can find these two mushrooms together in our Mushroom Immunity Powder.
Nettle leaf is packed with vitamins and minerals and is like an herbal multi vitamin. It also is an antihistamine and can help reduce the symptoms and reaction from environmental allergens. You can find nettle leaf and other nourishing herbs in our Optimal Wellness Powder.
Alfalfa leaf is an excellent source of vitamins A, C, E, and K while also minerals calcium, magnesium and iron. Alfalfa is also an antioxidant powerhouse that helps to protect the cells from damage. Super Greens Powder
There's a lot of variations of this recipe that will benefit your dogs health and provide them with a wide variety of nutrients. I don't recommend using glycerin extracts in these since glycerin doesn't freeze. I love this recipe because you can add in ingredients that you have laying around the house, extra scraps and foods that might go bad soon. Once the food is frozen it will be good for along time!
Have fun with these, get creative and explore different options. You're dog will thank you because dogs eat real food too!